I hereby authorize Australian Forklift Training (AFT) to release information concerning my record to:
1. Government agencies including ASQA for audit purposes
2. Recruitment agencies if I have ticked the above consent
3. I give permission for AFT to create a USI on my behalf if I cannot supply one
4. ASQA may contact you for quality assurance survey purpose
5. I have read the CLICK HERE FOR Terms & Conditions, Extra Fees & Refunds and agree to all terms & conditions of this course including the refund policy and any additional fees.
6. Where I have supplied AFT with my credit card details over the phone, I give permission for AFT (P&J WADE PTY LTD) to process this payment. AFT will not collect fees in excess of $1500 in one payment.
7. I give permission for AFT to use photos taken of me whilst in training, online and on social media.
8. I can contact AFT at any time and refuse consent.